
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Captain Vegetable strikes again!

This comic popped pretty much fully formed into my head while I was cooking lunch. Originally the tall put apon vegetarian was Tommo (since he did ask to be in a comic) but I couldn't draw him right so decided to just do a random guy, ending up with a suprisingly close resemblance to Stephen from the maths department (also vegetarian) who wore precisely that expression when I told him gelatine was made from bones :)

Of course the only person who'll actually find this amusing is me. Then again, Jocelyn has seen Pav and Phlebus's reactions when I insist on bringing vegetables to things, remembers Sesame Street, knows Lisa (Whose hair really is that long now. And can't you just see her as a superhero?), and has the happy trait of laughing at my jokes. Not sure she reads this blog though :)

Perhaps I should be more worried that one of them will take offense at being a part of such a shonky comic....(I mean no disrespect to anyone but myself!)

I was very happy to discover someone else had done the hard work of finding the words and costume of the original Captain Vegetable. And thats real Brazillian my friends. Note how I chose pretty much the only non-obscene phrase.

Is it just me or has doing a Phd made be a little overzealous with the references? The reason I have time to do this, by the way, is an accidental excess of caffiene. I already got a whole heap of (real) work done which is good cos tommorrow I'll be a big pile of sleepy ooze...


Anonymous Anonymous said...




11:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course I read your blog! (Whose blog don't I read???)

And yes, I did find the comic funny, even though I don't recall Captain Vegetable from Sesame Street - but I think if you've seen any PSA/Educational material with pseudo-superhero-types, you get the humour.


8:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice comic, although I have one major criticism of the commentary.

Brazillian?!? Brazillian isn't a language (possibly a dialect). In Brazil they speak Portugese.

Um, yeah. I guess that's all.

11:22 pm  
Blogger Sophie said...

Jocelyn: You don't remember Captain Vegetable? You're missing out! He was so cool! Penny remembers him and she wasn't even born when they first showed the sketch :)

Mr/Ms Anonymous: Actually Brazillian Portugeuse is quite distinct from European Portugeuse, especially with regards to exclamations. So nerr :P
(You're right, though, I should have put a "Portugeuse" after the "Braziliian". Happy?)

8:36 am  
Blogger moonbug said...

Wow noone has ever drawn a comic of me before! *blushes*

And Sophie is right Brazillian Portugese is rather different from European. Or so I've been told by people who speak Portugese. In Brazil.

Also I suspect that it should be Captiao Vegano/a. Vegan is derived from the word vegetarian which in Romantic languages (portugese, spanish, italian) is vegetariano/a so it follows that vegan should have the appropriate o or a for masculine or feminine.

2:43 pm  

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