I'm so looooooooonelly *sniff*
Thus: I now declare Wednesday my official Anyone who is Also Bored And Has No Exams Comes To Sophies day.
I'll be home working on the old Phd, and if anyone chooses to visit well all and good. I live walking distance from a video store and own several games. My house isn't very big, but I'm more worried about noone turning up, really :) (*)
Any time between 10am and 4pm is cool(**). Anyone who would like to hang out but is busy can organise something themselves :P
email me at sqbr-at-tartarus.uwa.edu.au for the address if you don't have it.
I'm pondering posting this to the unisfa list, but it seems a bit disorganised and crap, even for a unisfa thing :) And yes, me getting around to "organising" something is a direct result of finding out Terracon is booked, meaning I won't neccesarily be hanging with the people I thought I would be hanging with. (I'm sure it'll still be fun, it just made me think is all)
(*)Or like one or two people turning up and it being really awkward. So, come in a group! Bring food!
(**)I'm not a big fan of late nights, which is why this isn't a party. Well, that and parties are Too Much Effort.
I have an exam wednesday. :(
I think I'm working Wednesday. But I'll be there in spirit!
Bah! You all hate me!
But I shall forgive you anway, because that's just the kind of person I am :)
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