
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Unaustralian of the year

I didn't eat red meat, get drunk, or even get round to watching the fireworks, choosing intsead to watch LOTR special features and eat fruit. But I am unrepentant, for I finally have Mirrordance! Yay! Reread it today (I was feeling too dizzy to get much work done. Possibly the result of too much fruit) so Oliver can borrow it. All hail singaporean bookshops! My total haul from Phlebus, her dad and Enforced Equanamity also included a funky Berkley Maths t-shirt and two spindles of anime cds. All hail singaporeans! She even liked the the comic, her exact words being "Yeah, its quite..OH MY GOD THATS ME" (Well..something like that)

I've noticed that recently I've become relatively grumpy and irrational and, well, stupid, I think as a result of a combination of stress re The Dreaded Thesis and whatever is making me so light-headed and wierd about food. I'm not saying this to angst, just to apologise in advance (or retrospect) for any wierd or annoying behaviour, such as... say... getting narky at someone for delaying lunch while they find out about their grandads cancer. (Some people can be so selfish. Not like she ever did anything for me)

Anyway, in case anyone wants to borrow it, I'm quite happy to share my good fortune. No, you can't have the Berkley shirt, but the anime I have is:

No making assumptions about quality, completeness, or what kind of person would watch all these titles, since as far as I can tell its just VCDs of whatever looked interesting at the video store.

And of course if I really like any of them, I'll buy them. (I'm seriously considering buying FLCL) EDIT: added links (just the top google hit, mostly) so that when I feel like watching anime I can remind myself what they all are. Thus possibly no links for the ones I've seen. I don't care if thats not what blogs are for :P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FLCL is wonderful. Very wonderful :)
Scryed is also pretty entertaining, though possibly not what I would expect you to like ;) And Noir looks interesting from the first few that I've watched.


9:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So have you finished Mirrordance yet?

Huh? Huh?


9:42 am  
Blogger Sophie said...

Yep, all read. Now I just have to get it to you :)

3:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you next likely to be at Uni? If you are going to be around on Monday I could pick it up off you then.

Hooray for Mirrordance!
Hooray for Sophie!

5:00 pm  

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