
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Red versus Blue

As most of you probably know I get a lot of colds. One of my supervisors recommended I go see Dr Beck since he put her onto a good specialist for her son. So I made an appointment.

His office is pretty typical, but there was a door saying "NeuroTuning (EEG Biofeedback)" and wierd flyers. I was eventually taken behind this door, and asked a bunch of questions like "Rate your quality of life" and "Have you ever thought someone was living in your ceiling?".
"Now", said the nurse (well, neurotherapist as it turns out) "If you just sit in this chair we'll attach some electrodes.."
"Uh..." says I, "I came in for throat problems." "Oh" says the neurotherapist.

She gave me the test anyway since the doctor was busy and its covered by Medicare. It involved sitting in a chair watching the video to Coldplay's "The Scientist" with two electrodes on my head and wierd...thingies on my ears.
Thus, in lieu of a meme, we have my Beck Brain Electricity Assessment (Well, not the whole thing, it's like seven pages)

Caught the train into Bassendean for a bloodtest (the result of actually seeing Dr Beck) and discovered that the second hand bookshop there has a quite good science fiction range. Also theres a good crepe place next door.

On the way back opposite me were these two women:
who didn't know each other as far as I can tell. The Woman In Red had this exercise book crammed with close red text with no spaces in which she wrote frenetically, while the Woman In Blue sat quietly for most of the trip until suddenly grabbing a notebook and writing something which inspired me to scrawl a sketch myself and thus miss my stop!


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