
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Friday, February 11, 2005

Just me and my personal obsessions here folks.

First off, I have a paper online!! Sorry, forgot to post this for ages. I don't expect you all to read the actual paper, but I'm sure there's at a few people who'd like to read the abstract, or at least the title :) Not that I wrote many of the actual words, per se. I did write the draft of a chapter the first draft of the paper was based on, though! Plus a few sentences here or there.

To anyone who likes beads, the Gypsy Bead in North Perth is quite nice (I prefer Benjamins Crafts, but I have a feeling this is purely becuase everything comes in little plastic jars. I like jars) and there is a bead/jewellry/knickknack store in freo (on the Queensgate block) so huge it fills three shops. Only one of which has eftpos, meaning I paid in one store for a purchase in the other, which was surreal. In the post-mars-bar-slice fevered daze I was in at the time they didn't actually seem that good, but I'll have to look again when I can think clearly.

And if I didn't scare you all off there, more crochet! Yay! With maths! Double yay!! I know of only one crocheter who reads this, and she hates maths, so really this is for me :)

James, King of Links sent me the gallery of crocheted hyperbolic models which I thought was way cool, especially since the shapes are pretty easy to make. I sent a post to the lj "crochet" community, assuming there wouldn't be any other maths geeks, and got an absolute avalanche of responses. That'll teach me to make assumptions. Anyway, they suggested some pretty funky maths crochet links (No that's not an oxymoron!) :

And from the post where I discovered the intersection of crochet and maths, we have a more topological shapes and a klein bottle hat.

I am aware that I talk about crochet more than I actually crochet, and will probably bore of it soon. Thats the joy of a blog, rather than boring everyone I know in person I can ramble about it here and you can all ignore me, but have evidence to bug me about it with later. Everybody wins!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am a high school maths and science teacher but am obsessed about craft and i was thrilled to discover the links about maths and fiber arts. the maths is way over my head but i just love the idea that maths can be at the heart of the creative process. sophie you sound like a really interesting person

9:08 pm  
Blogger Sophie said...

Thanks :)

11:51 am  

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