
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Put the lotion in the basket

In case anyone's wondering, turnout to my impromptu movie showing was me, Cam, gelignite, hipikat and miss_kittylix. Also Alex would have come if I'd thought to contact him properly, for which I feel kind of guilty, ah well. Anyway, it was lots of fun, and from Retro Betties I have stolen the idea of iced herbal tea (or tisanes, if one wishes to be all Regency Romance) plus lemonade. Lipton cranberry, rasberry and strawberry= good, twinings lemon and ginger= ok.

I did a comic for Skeletor and Hordak: Partners in Crime which was fun. Man, did I used to love He-man. It's left me with an affection for black mages which if nothing else made Final Fantasy 9 extra fun :)

Finally, isn't my new lj-icon pretty? It's from Digger. Oh- and the title of the post comes from the song I've had stuck in my head since I found out what it means...(Note: I'd pay attention to that warning, it's kind of a freaky video. Catchy tune though)


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