
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Friday, February 18, 2005

A couple of things before the workers arrive

First off, it turns out some of you didn't know I was in a coma. I felt like I told everyone I knew, I suppose it was just a subset, several times over. I'm also engaged, and doing a Phd (just to be on the safe side) :)

When I was a kid I had a number of phobias that would make me absolutely miserable with fear. I'm over most of them now. I have proof. Last week I had bloodtests and every bin we own which contained any fruit scraps whatsoever became infested with fruitfly. While checking the compost bin yesterday (Which also appears to have mice, and I really don't care), I got a bee-sting. I went to the dr (Since I'm possibly allergic) and she was like "Oh, the beestings ok, but you should get a tetanus shot". Thats needles of both types AND bees AND larvae-maggoty things, all of which I dealt with without too much stress. Now I just need to end up in a high place somehow, and I'll have a complete set. (Clearly some higher power is messing with me and Rae)

Also I got stung by a wasp on Christmas Day, but I think that was just God punishing me for getting presents on his birthday when I don't even believe in Him :)

The reason for the title of this post is that Joc is coming over after work for company. If you don't know why you should probably go read her livejournal, unless you don't know who she is in which case you should get to know her (possibly under better circumstances), she's nice :)

Last, and probably least in most of your estimation, I made a crochet Sierpinski_carpet today, mostly in the doctors waiting room and while on the phone to my grandma. (Who talks more than my mum, who talks more than me. The three of us together is quite intense) The piece I did is pretty boring, but I like the look of the larger version I photoshopped:

Wouldn't that make a cool blanket or something? No? Fine :P


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