
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Monday, February 21, 2005

On the path of good intentions

Hmmph. All this discussion of religion has forced me to spend my precious Phd time thinking about my own beliefs and thus updating the f.a.q. question on why I'm an atheist. The reason I'm linking to it is I find myself somewhat (though not extremely) annoyed by the assumption that what works for oneself is right for everyone, although I realise it's hard not to assume this when it's basic tenet of your faith :) Anyway, this way rather than a badly written rant filling up your friends page you get a link to a somewhat considered rant you can read if you like.

I think my annoyance is a hold-over from discussions with members of religions like Hare Krishna(*), where while they don't think you'll go to hell, if you disagree with them they just go "Ah, well, if you were enlightened you'd see why I'm right". *grumble*

Note the "b" in the "f.a.q 2.02b". I may later realise it all came out wrong, and change it. So feel free to comment if you think I'm full of crap :) If I send it off now I can get back to work. Hopefully.

(*)Is that the name of the religion? I realise I don't actually know. Hare Krishnaism?


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