
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The 3p3 song (Blame Tom)

I have been inspired to fix up my home page after Tom pointed out that my links page was completely crap.

I'm planning on cleaning out all the crud that I'd have put into my blog (rather than making a seperate page) if I'd had one so as a result odd things may appear here. Right now I'm up to "B" and we have a rather stream of consciousness entry from my diary (circa late '99) which I liked enough to put online:

The 3P3 Song

Oh I don't feel like studying any more.
Oh no I don't feel like studying any more!
Go to sleep at six 'cos my eyes are sore,
Wake up in a sweat at half past four!
No I don't feel like studying any more.

Oh I don't feel like my exam today.
Oh no I don't feel like my exam today!
Any more 3P3 and my hair will turn grey,
Who cares about honours anyway?
Oh I don't want to do my exam today!

Underneath it is written "Yes, i did just wake up at 5:30am to write this and then go to my exam. My life is completely meaningless."
As I was trying to sleep the previous evening, I woke up with the following joke:
Q: Why did Adam cross the Unisfa room?
A: To get to the "Xenocide"

Unfortunately this was not one of the questions in the exam.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a really awful pun in that joke. Really REALLY awful.


7:32 pm  
Blogger Sophie said...

To be honest I'm surprised you got it since Adam doesn't go under the nick "xeno" so much any more.

But um yeah, I suck. In my defense I was only 19 when I wrote it, I'm much more mature now.

7:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*blink* I just finished explaining to Adam and Paul why the joke was amusing, but decided that it had nothing to do with his nickname Zeno, because that's not how it was spelt :P *hangs head*

11:14 am  

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