
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

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Sunday, October 02, 2005

Time Scales

This is going to be a very, very mathsy post though hopefully not too hard to understand for anyone who's done "proper" first year maths. I've screwed around with notation and am pretty ignorant about this sort of stuff, so knowing too much maths might be more of a problem :)

I just finished attending the Australian Mathematical Society Annual Conference. Becuase it's all of maths there were many talks on areas I know nothing about, and when I felt like stretching my brain would go to talks on Logic (which was fascinating and made me think I may have chosen the wrong area to study) or "Unstable non-corpuscular nodes of a scalar quantum field in an expanding accelerating universe" (which utterly broke my brain and made me glad I changed out of Physics). Anyway, I went to one Applied talk (Dynamic Equations on Time Scales) and I thought the ideas were so cool, and simple, I'm going to natter about them here :)

This is a differential equation:
x'(t)=3x(t)+t^2, x(0)=0

This is a difference equation:
x(n+1)-x(n)=3x(n)+n^2, x(0)=0
In a sense these equations are "equivalent", but they are not the same.

There is a large area of mathematics devoted to solving differential equations, but as far as I can tell the way difference equations are generally solved is by treating them as if they were differential equations and hoping for the best. The problem being that not only do the solutions differ but there are equations which, say, have infinitely many solutions in the differential case and none in the difference case. For this reason we (by which I mean the guy giving the talk) define dynamic equations.

In this sort of equation (which covers both difference and differential equations) you have:

  • A time scale T. This is a closed subset of the real numbers, usually just all the real numbers or the positive integers.
  • A function x(t) defined over T.
  • For any t in T you define s(t) to be the "next" point, ie in the real numbers s(t)=t and in the integers s(t)=t+1.
  • A "derivative" x*(t) where
    • if s(t)=t (ie in a differential equation) then x*(t) is just the derivative x'(t).
    • if s(t)>t (ie in a difference equation) then
      x*(t)=[ x(s(t))-x(t) ]/[ s(t)-t ]. Note that if s(t)=t+1 you just get x*(t)=x(t+1)-x(t).
A simple dynamic equation would then be
x*(t)=3x(t)+t^2, x(0)=0.
If you substitute in s(t)=t or s(t)=t+1 you get the equations we had to begin with. Which all seems a bit pointless except you can define things like the product rule to work for x*(t) regardless of T (you just get some funny [ s(t)-t ] terms which vanish when T is the real numbers) and so come up with results which work for any dynamic equation. Also, and I think this is super cool, you don't have to have a boring old time scale like the integers. Pretty much ANY closed subset of the real numbers will work, including things like
  • A collection of continuous intervals ie T={ t: 1<=t<=2 or 4<=t<=5} so you have s(t)=t for most t, but s(2)=4.
  • Bounded infinite sequences like {0, 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, ...} (plus the number 1 so it has an upper boundary)
  • Crazy sets like the cantor set. Can you imagine differentiating a function which is only defined on the Cantor set? Craaazy!
If you got this far and aren't bored out of your skull, you can read the first chapter of a book on this stuff for free. Also I should mention that the "sort of derivative" x* is actually denoted by x with a superscript delta, but that was too hard to type :)


Blogger enforced equanimity said...

Didn't really read the full chapter, but you'd use this to denote a discretisation of a DE on some set T which isn't the "usual" real numbers or integers? Reminds me of Poincare maps, in that you discretise a DE is a pretty funky way, but I've barely read anything about them.

I can see the applications in modeling chaotic systems or systems with discrete states. hm... but traditional math is very well developed on the continuous time DE front. Its a good thing we have fast computers for calculations or these things wouldn't really work 'cause I don't think the tricks that work on ODEs and difference eqns will work very well if T is really weird.

1:11 pm  
Blogger Sophie said...

Yeah, I know Very Little about this sort of stuff, I'm not sure quite what the successful applications of it all are. One example he gave is of an insect which hatches, lays eggs, and dies, so that the time scale is a sequence of evenly spaced continuous intervals. I geuss if you can nicely characterise a problem that's a first step to finding clever ways to solve it :) They have already proved analogues of some difference/diferential equation results for arbitrary T, I think it's a relatively new area though. It may not take off at all, but I still think the idea is cool.

I vaguely recall knowing about Poincare maps once, and looking up the defintion I can see your point. I have No Idea if the two techniques overlap at all though :)

4:06 pm  
Blogger Asphodel said...

wurgle? After wading through all of that I'm now more confused than when I started.

You both have way, way too much maths on the brain. *runs away*

7:46 pm  

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