I've had an ok christmas, though as anyone who has witnessed will attest it is
not wise to make me eat a meal late. I get cranky and am less prone to pretend I like candles. (Candles! Again with the candles! Why?) Also my mum (bless her soul) managed to get all three things she bought off the gift registry
just a little bit wrong, which I stopped being annoyed about the moment I remembered she got me a big day out ticket for my birthday :)
Also Classic FM played an Oscar Wilde story which made me cry becuase I'm a big sook. Anyway! Enough festive angst, time for a
festive comic!!
Finally, for anyone not on my friends list here is my first attempt at an animated icon gif. I've decided it's perhaps a bit impolitic for it's intended use.
It's not supposed to be about terrorism or anything topical, by the way, it's just a pun. Also, anyone else who expresses surprise at me having a mean sense of humour gets me imagining me hitting them on the head repeatedly. (Yeah, that'll show 'em. heh heh heh)
EDIT: FINALLY! Have put up next three pages of ACOS. Also updated cast page and created "deleted scenes" section. Sleep now.
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