So very, very old
Well, it's my birthday again. I woke up this morning feeling all grumpy and antisocial and tired (possibly a result of doing a LOT of walking yesterday) so am planning on having a quiet at-home day. Maybe buy myself a sorbet later. I have cheered myself up with hot chocolate made from 80% cocoa Lindt plus sugar and milk. I may be a little erratic in that sleepy-but-on-caffiene kind of way. Also longwinded, and I haven't gotten the hang of how blogspot does "lj-cuts". Tough, it's my birthday.
As I said I'm feeling antisocial today, but on the whole would like to spend more time with people. Three things I would like to do are:
- Have a craft day, though I'm not sure how this would work.
- Have a bunch of girls get together and swap clothes (I've just gone through my wardrobe) Mine are mainly 12s but as long as we have at least two of any given size it should be ok :)
- Go into the city and use up my free Hoyts ticket.
This morning Cam and I were discussing the significance of ages, and while 25, 27, and 28 are all cool numbers (being a square, a cube, and a perfect number) we couldn't think of anything cool about 26. But he just emailed me with a bunch of ways 26 is Deeply Significant. Most importantly: it's the number of sporadic simple groups(*). Best fiance ever :)
The cactus has not flowered for me this year, instead it's been "about to flower" for ages, I think as a (so far successful) ploy to avoid being pruned.(**)
Went to the wedding/formal dress shop Penny reccomended yeserday (and thus much walking, since it's in Joondalup) which was indeed pretty good. I was reminded that I don't like satin, though. Which kind of makes things difficult.
I went into a nearby scrapbooking shop which was both inspiring and horrifying: it saddens me to think of all these women spending so much on supplies and putting in so much creative energy to make horrible twee monstrosities out of their photos. Still, the woman there was very helpful, and advised me to buy a $40 scrapbook, $8 photo corners and $1 card. Instead I went into officworks and bought a $1.50 folder (ringbound plastic sleeves) and $10c card, and then used these instuctions and the punch I got from Anna for my birthday to begin to make a postcard album (thanks to lilysea for the idea). This one was a trial run, I may redo it using a ruler and better colours :)
I would just put them into a photo album but they're too big. This should be fun, anyway. I have quite a few postcards, since its cheaper than buying prints. Also I have a bunch of historical ones from my grandad (Perth in the 70s etc) which is cool though looking at them reminded me that I'm a Bad Grandaughter for not visiting him more often (he's in a tricky-to-get-to home with Alzheimers)
My birthday party went very well and the registry was a success (modulo my incompetence) I've already eaten much of the confectionary, drank some of the peach schnapps (So Nice!!) used the fabric pen and punch, read some of Anansi boys (good, though the plot is a bit like a cross between "Theif of time" and that Buffy episode with Xander's twin) used both loofahs and reorganised my jewellry using two of the containers presents came in.
Well, I'm hungry, so..that's it! ...wait! I'm not sure if this counts as an edit since this stupid entry hasn't shown up yet but anyway: Note the new interesting posts page I've added to my links section. I don't know that anyone but me will use it, but it's there if you care :) Now I'm off to get some sorbet (the cafe a block from my house has started selling Gelati gelati. Don't they know I'm trying to diet and save money?)
(*) This may not mean much to you, but they're the main focus of my thesis. I can't believe he had to tell me :)
(**)I don't know if you're supposed to prune cacti but I do anyway becuase otherwise putting out the washing would become an extreme sport.
The only vaguely interesting thing I know of about 26 is that it is the smallest number which is not a palindrome, yet has a square which is (676).
Yes I'm stretching here, it isn't a very interesting number...
Happy Birthday to Yooou! Even though it is your special day (actually it's the day after) I cannot believe that you just compared Neil Gaiman to Buffy. *still in shock* However, on the subject of Stuff to Do, I am happy to come over and do craft, swap clothes or watch a movie. Whatever, I'm easy! Pax is the one who's hard to pin down. Maybe we should gang up and sit on her?
ooh happy birthday sophie.
Hey Sophie, Happy Birthday! Sorry I didn't make it to your party, hope you had a good day anyhow.
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