
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Zonked ramblings

Yesterday was Raes birthday, and in celebration the cactus flowered. Today, it's purpose finished, it committed suicide:

Also in celebration, there was a very cool, very shiny party. Though I must remember that while I have huge chunky ankles I have moderately tiny wrists and should take this into account when making bracelets for people. Also, I am going to have to take things more easily next weekend when I (hopefully) go to 5 parties in four days because I feel like crap. (Thus I cannot be bothered retaking the photo) Finally, thanks to Liz I now realise I am on the first page of Google Image results for "origami sun". Why? Oh well.


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