Just a silly thought
The tv version was more amusing than the web one.
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.
I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth: http://alias-sqbr.livejournal.com http://sqbr.dreamwidth.org
Looking back over my spending habits there are many shops I just browsed in for years, not having the money to buy anything, and now I have a bit more money I can go in and buy stuff there. If they'd been rude when I was a poor window-shopper I might not have come back. A similar principle applies to banks etc, where people only have a small account when they're young but develop loyalty which means they open a large account there when they're old and rich. I wonder if this has occured to these companies?
Also, finally got around to reading "Dinner at Deviants Palace". Quite good, though the Evil Megolomaniac whose Plan For World Domination involves a glossolalialing fundamentalist cult and mind-altering drugs remined me ever-so-slightly of Snow Crash. (*) That and I think Tim Powers and Lois McMaster Bujold (In "Shards of Honour") have both tapped into my previously unkown but apparently deepseated fear of implacable translucent floating bloodsucking..things. *shudders*
(*)It drives Cam crazy how I always go "Ah, I've already seen this plot in such-and-such", my brains pattern-matching is a bit overactive at times. It also drives him crazy how I ruin plots, but...eh. I haven't said what kind of Evil Plans they are.
Also, I'm going to try to not update for a while and instead put my creative energies into my Phd and writing to my poor abandoned penfriend Wanda who doesn't even know I was sick. "A while" shouldn't be that long, I have a couple of posts lined up in my head as it is. But this way I have an impetus to work so I'm allowed to post them!