Well! This week(*) has been a rollercoaster of of emotions. I got a job at the
Siemens Science Experience starting Monday and so was rather upset to wake up on Sunday with absolutely no ability to talk for no reason (at least with a cold you know it'll go away) I was sufficiently better on Monday to go to training but then couldn't find anyone which made me Very Sad until I was cheered up by this lovely first year I tutored last year who happened by. Which is kind of embarrassing but never mind. Anyway, I eventually found everyone (including my replacement: Anil!) and then saw a doctor (Reflux?? It was reflux?? I got medicine and a no-caffiene rule) and after a slow start with me in a daze all Tuesday things have gone pretty well. I was a little worried about keeping 23 14-yr-olds under control but they're mostly well behaved and enthusiastic. Zero interest in maths or CS as far as I can see, but today we had a talk on physics and afterwards I talked about the twins paradox and wormholes etc which was fun, some of them were adorably enthused :)
The doctor says the reflux is probably a long term thing, which makes sense given the list of foods which cause reflux bears an uncanny resemblance to the list of foods I avoid becuase they make me feel like crap.
Oh, and we had a rent inspection tommorrow I was kind of worried about and have been preparing for over the week, and got home today to find a note saying "From your calendar you obviously didn't realise it was today. 'Scool."(**)
Finally, if anyone cares and has gotten this far, I and Cam's current "settled" plan for the wedding (haha) is to rent a hall and get in caterers, probably Temptations.
(*)For a certain definition of week
(**)Not what it actually said :)
I went to the Siemen's Science Experience. :)
(For Jen, who posted it on the feed. Bad Jen.)
Oh man, I went to Siemens! That was a great experience.
The maths was the most boring part, though. =( sorry, Sophie, even the Geography guy managed to get us excited about rocks and duck-ducks.
Colm said (on the feed, becuase he is bad): Nexium? :)
I'm not sure why.
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