The Goblin Caves
It was a cold and moonless night,
when Simon, brave and true,
Rode out to kill the goblin king
with his bold and loyal crew.
They journeyed long benath the earth,
worms danced above their heads
But then at last the reached the caves
where goblins cast their dread
The loathsome creatures crowded round
Their king chortled with glee
"No human born," he smugly cried,
"Could best the likes of me!"
Brave Simon smiled, then with his axe
chopped off the blackguards head.
Hid grisly trophy in one hand
he then struck six more dead.
And so their foe defeated
Our heroes headed back.
Threshold glad to hear
of the success of their attack
To Captain Nessus went the spoils,
the goblin cheiftans head.
But Simons fame will live on still,
long after we're all dead.
Cam's character is being paid to write these by "Simon", star of my first work "Mighty Simon, slayer of ants!"
Speaking of my genius, I've written some more of A circle of Stars, feedback much appreciated. Much thanks to Phlebus and Cam for paying me back for my comments on their endevours :)