
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Goblin Caves

This is a poem I write for Cam's bard charcater in Neverwinter Knights Online. Yes, I know, we are very sad :) It's actually the third one I've written, but since I had to type it up anyway (I'd scribbled lots out) I thought why not share my genius with all of you...

It was a cold and moonless night,
when Simon, brave and true,
Rode out to kill the goblin king
with his bold and loyal crew.

They journeyed long benath the earth,
worms danced above their heads
But then at last the reached the caves
where goblins cast their dread

The loathsome creatures crowded round
Their king chortled with glee
"No human born," he smugly cried,
"Could best the likes of me!"

Brave Simon smiled, then with his axe
chopped off the blackguards head.
Hid grisly trophy in one hand
he then struck six more dead.

And so their foe defeated
Our heroes headed back.
Threshold glad to hear
of the success of their attack

To Captain Nessus went the spoils,
the goblin cheiftans head.
But Simons fame will live on still,
long after we're all dead.

Cam's character is being paid to write these by "Simon", star of my first work "Mighty Simon, slayer of ants!"

Speaking of my genius, I've written some more of A circle of Stars, feedback much appreciated. Much thanks to Phlebus and Cam for paying me back for my comments on their endevours :)

Friday, August 12, 2005

I love channel ten

"It seems actress Jennifer Aniston has found love with her co-star Vince Vaugn. Aniston, former wife of Brad Fit, claims the pair are just friends. Vaugn can be seen in the film "The Wedding Crashers". Coming up next, entertainment news..." (Note this is just my impression of what they said, please don't sue me for defamation Mr Channel Ten)

Friday, August 05, 2005

Luther is a moving painting

So you should all go watch it now. Especially if, say, you have a real interest in that era of history, and are in search of reference material for a comic set in a similar world. *coughs* I swear I drew the dress in the first panel of the next page before seeing a certain nuns dress!

Anyway, it's a great story well told, though apparently Luther was a bit of an elitist peasant hater which is not the impression they gave. I can see why they chose not to muddy the story, though.

Also, the Diet of Wurms is the best name for a historical event ever.

I was planning on avoiding the whole state religion being evil thing in Circle... we'll see if I still do. My surprisingly strong (given I'm an atheist) iconoclastic Protestant streak has been all fired up again :)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Angsty Swoon

I suddenly realised that it is August, and that I am not as far along as I would like as a result of feeling really quite icky for almost the entire month of July. Two consequences of this:
  • I may become very bad at responding to email etc since I've been feeling headachey and want to save my limited concentrating-on-screen time for my thesis. Also I'm just feeling absent minded.
  • No more Circle of Stars for a while :( Or at least only that which I can do at night by hand then scan in and quickly colour. (Which is how I did pages 5 and 6)
Anyway, I thought I should finish off a few things I'd been meaning to say blogwise so I can really get into Ignoring the Internet (except the read-when-I-wake-up bits) While writing The Comic Formally known as "Un-named" I came across some useful links:
  • Blambot fonts They pretty much all rock :)
  • 1001 fonts A VERY wide range, most available for the mac.
  • Colour schemer Helps you come up with harmonious colour schemes. As you can probably tell, I have yet to fully take advantage of it. but probably should :)
  • ArcheoAstronomy Because the most important thing about any world is how they viewed cosmology. At least to me :)
  • Fantasy World Building Questions Only found these this morning, but they look useful.
  • The name links lilysea talks about here. She and I had a nice chat about this sort of thing yesterday.
Also, worldbuilding is fun. LOTS of fun. I have a bunch of (generally childrens level, I'm no arts student :) ) books on various cultures etc from the library (The internet has a wider range of information, but you can't flip through it and look at the pictures as easily). It may never get into the comic, but just trying to construct an interesting and consistent Other World is cool. Not sure I'd ever do it for it's own sake though. Must pick Phlebus' brain, since she has that handy anthropology degree.

Also, we have a printer! Expect more "handmade" cards from now on :)