
A combination of things I can't be bothered telling everyone in person, and things I want to tell everyone whether they want to hear it or not.

Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I don't use this blog any more, have a look at my lj and dreamwidth:

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Ah, if only it were accurate...

The following comic uses only text from todays TV guide in the West Australian magazine(*): Celebrity Circus.

This is what happens when I keep myself awake by reading Dinosaur comics. Yes, ok, it's exactly the opposite of what I did. Still the same. *stupid muse making me draw when I'm too sleepy to do it properly*

(*)Ok, ok, I did add a little punctuation and emphasis. Bah.

The Big Day

This is all about weddings. Anyone who isn't interested in weddings is quite welcome to skip it all :)

By request of the penguins: No, we haven't set a date yet. But we are heading towards doing so. We've been looking at places, and realised we're going to have to let go of our dream of an indoors, secular ceremony becuase there is nowhere. We also let go of our dream of somewhere utterly gorgeous which would do for both ceremony and reception. Instead we're going for outdoors (grumble!) under cover (a marquee maybe?) ceremony Somewhere Pretty with a small, fairly informal reception at a hotel because nowhere else can get their heads around the idea of a buffet wedding for less than 60 people.

Because we're having such a small reception, almost nobody who reads this is invited(*), at least not to the reception. We still love you! I'm thinking of having a big party at some point for everyone to come to but not sure how to organise it.

Since this is the sort of thing some people might like to see (though half the engaged couples we knew beat us already) the results of our labours:

  • I have a second hand dress I'm going to get altered.
  • Places with decent buffet (ie not inedibly pretentious, but still fancy) and a reasonable atmosphere: The Hyatt, Caversham house and The Atrium at Burswood.
  • The Cottesloe Civic Centre has the prettiest grounds, but is probably a bit far off too get married in. Pity the catering is all food we don't like. Still, pretty.
  • Cam is hiring a suit from Ferrari snce they were so helpful at Matt and Kellies wedding.
  • We're doing something Cam thought of at their wedding: he set his laptop up so people could download camera memory cards onto it, and set iPhoto up to cycle through them as a slideshow.
Yeah, thats about it. I fell asleep at two the last tow days so am suddenly feeling Very Sleepy. Will be strong! Must prepare for not sleeping though 1-4pm tute tommorrow!

(*)I'm still angsting over precisely who to invite. Man, I hate making this sort of decision.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Friends, randoms, countrymen...

In case anyone is going to the red cross thing: I'm probably not :( As I psychically predicted, I did not fulfill my expectation of lots of happy shiny Phd work today, or even very much minor doing-the-dishes type work. Instead I lay in bed on a carefully positioned pad of pillows, a hot water bottle and heat pad thinking very little beyond "Ow. Stupid body". I don't think I'm sick, its just my joints and throaght deciding they wish to punish me for some real or imagined transgression, *grumble*

Ok, enough grumbling. Since I'm very bored (My brain is slowly waking up, and feel like a break from "Diplomatic immunity") you get a vague attempt at something I've been pondering for a while. Recently I've seen a couple of things which have made me think about the nature of friends lists and blogs etc. I'm too sleepy for a real exploration of the ideas I've been pondering, but would like to say

  • My friends list in theory consists of the people who's ljs I enjoy reading the moment they update. However I came to a point of not having room for any more, so some people I would have added if it had occured to me earlier are off. Also I read a great many other blogs/ljs (either every day or whenever I feel curious/bored enough), especially now I have Tiger and Safaris RSS feature.
  • This blog is specifically designed to be read by anyone who knows me(*), as well as anyone else who happens to come across it. I write every post imagining my parents etc watching over my shoulder. Absolutely anyone is welcome to read it and comment, as long as its not with any sort of malicious intent(**) and you try to respect the fact this is my "property" so to speak.
  • I have trouble really getting my head around blogs/ljs that aren't written in this way(***) (except ones with a specific purpose like Lizs Fangirls Only lj :)) So I apologise if I breach any nettiquette by reading and commenting on other peoples. If you specifically tell me not to I'll go away, though I may suffer Deep Emotional Pain at the rejection.
Um. Yeah. I think thats it. Oh, and the lj feed is acting funny. Thanks to Pooky, in one of the rare instances where commenting on the feed (rather than the blog) is not a Very Bad Thing.

(*)Although if my supervisors saw it they might have a few words to say about effective use of my time :) And sometimes I fail in my design and say something tactless
(**)Since theres no portion of my life where malicious intent is welcome :)
(***)I mean I can understand say slagging someone off on the assumtption they won't read it, and if someone did that I wouldn't point said person in the slaggings direction unless I felt it was really warranted. I might stick up for them though.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Too sleepy for wit

Oh God it's so true... and I'm halfway to twenty six :(

There was something else I was going to say, but I forgot. So I'll say something else: everyone should read the following (non-fiction) books:

  • Guns, Germs and Steel
  • The Selfish Gene
  • Everything Douglas Hoefstaeder has ever published.
  • Other stuff which I have forgotten so you will have to work it out psychically

In good news, I actually got some work done today, despite being mostly too sleepy for thinking type stuff. I am feeling quite optimisitc about The Dreaded Thesis, also wedding. This Cannot Last.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Meeting under the sign of the red cross

Recently I've been alternating(*) between being very motivated and hardworking and so sleepy I'm not up for email. This has meant lots of Phd work (good) but little to no work towards anything non-Phd related, like answering email or socialising etc. So. Anyway. The Red Cross clothes sale is next saturday. This sale is quite good, large range of op-shop type stuff plus new designer seconds. I got what will probably be my wedding dress for thirty dollars at this sale. Starts 9am Claremont Showgrounds (Gate 1).

In previous years people have organised things and I have tagged along. This doesn't seem to be happeneing this year, so I thought I'd let everyone(**) know so you all can come, and if anyone chooses to organise something I'll tag along to that :) Otherwise I'll be there whenever I can be bothered (probably 9:30-10, unless I sleep in) and if I see someone I know there I'll say hi. There are some larger sizes (Up to 16 maybe?) in the designer stuff unlike most op-shops. I think.

So, all women(***)! Come! Buy clothes! Be merry! I think I'll go to sleep now...

(*)Note: this verb comes to you thanks to the wonderful thesaurus widget and the F13 key.
(**)Anyone who doesn't read this is noone. Um..yes. I said I was sleepy right?
(***)And transvestite men. There's some non-transvestite men stuff if any of you others wish to come, but I remember Enforced Equanimity(****) looking rather bored last year.
(****)Who none of you who weren't there will know. Never mind...Oh, and I had that blog style first, before him and Darth Vader.