Tommorrow they take our kitchen away :(
As a result I've had to put all ther crap that has accumulated in said kitchen into the houses few nooks and crannies I and Cam haven't filled with other junk.
If you look closely you can see the teapot on the..thingy. Which I and Cam decided is for putting hot teapots on.
I was going to go out today and buy The Return Of The King but my neighbour Khadesha(*) invited me over so I spent the afternoon chatting with her and playing with her absolutely gorgeous toddler Suhaib. I learnt that when I thought he was babbling "bidehbidehbideh" he was actually saying "I want! I want! I want!" in arabic. It was cuter as gurgles :)
In order to be able to help babysit I also learnt "ma" (water) and "didai" the meaning of which I'm unclear on but is what you say when a toddler tries to eat things they shouldn't. (ie all the frigging time)
I'm trying not to turn into my mum who is rather aggressively multicultural- every time she meets a "foreign"(**) person she's like "Where are you from? How do you say 'hello'? Isn't it true that in 100 BC during the roman occupation of your country.." and I have feeling they find it a bit scary :)
(No offense to mum, mind you, better than being all insular) but it is very interesting discussing cultural differences etc. Including the pain that is being invited to a bbq when none of the meat is halal!
Yes, this post exists to a large extent so I can remind myself of how to say "shufig/shufug" (Lebanese slang for "seeya") next time I see them :P
I and Cam watched Season 6 of Buffy. I can see where all the Spike fangirls come from now :) I also managed to score us copies of the elusive Season 7, from Coles of all places.
(*)I am almost certainly spelling all of this wrong. But hey, its a transliteration anyway :P
(**)Including those who are related to someone who may have, at some point, been to a foreign country.